Alright, so this bout of homesickness brought on by my birthday (October 19th fuckers, thanks for the inundation of messages) has brought me out of blog retirement.
In my usual style I've left it until the early hours of the morning when I am slightly soaked in sake and in no mood for writing.
I've uploaded two photo sets, one from Miyajima ( and one from the first three days of my trip to Tokyo with EP. I'll go through the remaining 3 days worth of Tokyo photos and finish uploading the highlights soon.
Tiny summary until I come back and write properly: Life is going well. I cannot stress how enjoyable life is when you only work 20 hours a week and your hours are 5pm to 9pm. It's not the most convenient shift for socialising with people who work a 9-5 job, but ahh well.
It's funny, I always feared that life in the daily grind would kill my soul and that, until retirement, I would trudge zombie-like through my working days. Well fuck it, I don't need to be a rich man, I'm perfectly happy living modestly and enjoying loads of free time for doing interesting things in a foreign country.
Who knows, maybe I'll "grow up" in a few years and realise that 9-5 really isn't that bad. Until then, enjoy the rat race people, I'll have another sake for you and then sleep it off in the dappled sunshine under a tree next to one of Hiroshima's many beautiful rivers.